Happy 20th Birthday Infinite Grace Ministries!
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I want to share my story about how Infinite Grace Ministries has changed my life. When I first started seeing Dr. Dixie, we worked through a chapter a week from her book, "No Longer A Child." When I came to her, I was riddled with guilt, shame, grief and a profound sense of blame; which made me feel lonely and isolated. I was caught up in a trap of decades of misconceptions and untruths.
Through Dr. Dixie's kind, wise and patient guidance, she worked through my "basement thinking," which was years and years of things I had bought into from the time I was a child regarding who I was and what people told me I was. Dr. Dixie always brought each and every negative thought I had and lovingly educated me with Biblical/Scriptural truths. The chains of bondage were removed as she lead me into what God says about me, and all that Christ had done to "set me free."
One of the most important take-away truths that Dr. Dixie said to me in a session was this: she said, "Can you be guilty and forgiven at the same time?" It was such a spiritual wake-up call to my mind, soul and spirit . . . one of many to come. She reminded me that I am a Child of God. My identity is grounded and anchored in Christ Jesus, not in what others . . . even those very close to me . . . said to me.
Dr. Dixie opened doors in my mind that I wasn't aware existed . . . always testing everything against the Word of God. Her wisdom and discernment, knowledge base and faith was often balanced with her great sense of humor. She taught me that we are living, active examples of the Love of God Who lives inside us. I'm not the same person I was when I started, and I continue to grow in the Lord. I'm not finished yet. I'm a work in progress, always learning, thanks to Our Glorious Lord and His faithful servant . . . Dr. Dixie Yoder . . . and Infinite Grace Ministries!

About Dr. Dixie Yoder, D. Min.
Dr. Dixie Yoder grew up in western Oklahoma. She is the founder and Executive Director of Infinite Grace Ministries, an interdenominational Biblical Guidance and teaching ministry located in Weatherford, Oklahoma.
Dr. Dixie has many years of experience in Biblical Personal Guidance ministry. She is an ordained minister and a Bible scholar who loves the Word of God and its application to everyday life. Her teaching emphasizes how receiving salvation through Jesus Christ and knowing God the Father intimately makes it possible to enjoy a life filled with meaning and purpose.
Dr. Dixie and her husband, Galen, have been married since 1970 and enjoy time with two adult sons, their daughters-in-law and four grandchildren. Along with the knowledge she has gained during years of study, Dr. Dixie’s years of nurturing family relationships has contributed considerable practical wisdom into the ministry she offers to individuals, couples and and parents.
An experienced teacher and public speaker, Dr. Dixie has offered ministry in Western Oklahoma since 1991, including seminars for men and women. Through years of systematic Bible study, Dr. Dixie has gained a deep working knowledge of the principles contained in the Word of God and how they apply to practical every day living.
Dr. Dixie is a familiar voice on local radio stations through her daily devotional and live interviews. Her weekly newspaper columns offer practical wisdom to newspaper readers throughout Oklahoma.

“Dear Dr. Dixie – I’m not even sure where to start thanking you – but I guess a good place would be, ‘thank you for saving my life.’
I remember so well the day I called you, so depressed I didn’t care whether I lived or died. In fact, I had already decided I was going to make sure I didn’t have to struggle through another month. I had a plan for how to end it all. And then you talked to me.
I am still amazed at how different life looks through the ‘eyes’ of God’s love, compared to the view I had through the lies I had learned to believe about God and about myself.
I absolutely know that my two kids would not have a mom on earth if not for Infinite Grace Ministries.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have truly made an eternal difference.”
“When I first met Dr. Dixie, I came in feeling so hopeless. I had a broken marriage, no job and just moved here with my daughter six months before. I felt so alone. But praise God for putting the right people in our lives at just the right time! He will never let us down.
Through the work of the Holy Spirit in Dixie, she was able to know exactly what God wanted me to hear—which is simply the truth that God has declared about me. She taught me how much Jesus loves me and when I choose to believe His truth, He renews my mind. She let me know that she has struggled hard and look at her now! She is one of God’s miracles. She inspired in me a new hope that with God all things are possible if I just believe Him.
The devil had a hold on me, plunging me down into darkness, but I cried out to my Lord and He stepped in and turned what the devil meant for bad, and is using it for His glory. He brought eternal sunshine into my soul!”
“Getting my eyes off myself made all the difference in the world. I had convinced myself that no one has ever had a life as difficult as mine, and it caused me to be defensive and complaining. No wonder no one wanted to talk to me!
Dr. Dixie was sympathetic, but she didn’t let me continue to wallow in self-pity. Life is still hard, and I still get frustrated with the “daily-ness” of what I have to do, but now I know that God is at work, and He loves me more than I can even think or imagine.
I am so grateful that Infinite Grace is available to people like me. I couldn’t pay anything while I was seeing Dr. Dixie, but it didn’t change how she treated me at all. Now my job has changed, and I can give regularly—it isn’t much, and will never really repay what I received, but I’m grateful for how the Lord has blessed me.
Thank you to those of you who give so that she could spend time with me. My daughter has an entirely different future ahead of her now—not because SHE has changed, but because I have!”
Dear Dixie,
When I came to see you the first time, I told you that this was my last hope, and if this didn’t “work” that I was planning to go home and kill myself. I was watching your face for fear because I was so mad and miserable, and in a perverse kind of way, even though I wanted you to help me, I wanted to make you miserable and afraid too.
Instead, you simply said, ”well then you have come to the right place. Not because I am so great that I can solve your problems, but because I know how much God loves you, and I will tell you about his love so often and in so many ways, you are going to think that I am a broken record. This is the truth that will bring healing and freedom into your life.” I remember thinking, “She isn’t even afraid of the threat of death. I wonder what she knows?” And so I decided to come back. Well, over the next year, I found out what you know, and this new experience of God’s love for me has set me free from fear also. Life is not pain free and there are still struggles, but instead of wanting to die now, I go to my Father and let him give me the courage and strength I need to face each problem as it comes. Thank you for your willingness to spend time with me. Very simply, I thank you for my life.