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Press Releases

Dr. Dixie & Infinite Grace Ministries in the Spotlight

Heavenly Helper: Ordained Minister is the Anointed ‘Dear Abby’

POSTED NOVEMBER 7, 2013, BY Lance West of

WEATHERFORD, Okla -- If sin had any smell, Dr. Dixie Yoder would live in stench. Greed to gluttony, lying to lust, this ordained minister and biblical scholar has dedicated her life to society's broken.

Client, Teresa Scott said, "People emotionally bleed all over her and yet when you see her, she's fresh, lively, joyful. Her attitude of kindness, it's amazing, just amazing."

What began as a small ministry is now reaching well beyond her hometown of Weatherford. Dr. Dixie Yoder said, "I want people to look at me and see Jesus on my face."

Dr. Dixie is a familiar voice in Western OKlahoma. She has a daily radio segment that’s broadcast over a multi-state network of radio stations. And her biblical advice is read by thousands. This guidance counselor with a heart for Christ, has a syndicated advice column. Think, anointed Dear Abby for the biblically minded.

Dr. Dixie said, "They know what to expect when they come to me. I'm going to sit there with a Bible in my lap. We will meet God on a different level."


Dr. Dixie's honesty is not for everyone. She claims "large market liberal newspapers" are reluctant to include her column because of her unwillingness to "tone down" the biblical references. Yoder told us, "If I couldn't mention God I couldn't be helpful. He's the answer. He really is."

But Dr. Dixie believes her spiritual guidance is having an eternal impact. "It's what motivates me to go into the office every Monday morning. I know of 51 people over the years that didn't die, because I was there for them to call," Yoder says.

Teresa Scott says Yoder saved her life. For years, she battled severe depression. "It's not like a psychology book or self help book. There is power in it. You've got the power of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. There's power in that," Teresa Scott says.

Dr. Dixie's ministry continues to grow daily. She is currently converting Weatherford's old "German National Bank" into a counseling center and coffee shop.

"Whatever it takes," she said, "To give hope, to the hopeless."

Infinite Grace Ministries' Construction Underway

2013 article written by Jenna Mariani of the Weatherford Daily News

Find more of Dr. Dixie in our Book Store!

God's Promise of Faithfulness Book by Dr. Dixie
The Wrath o God and Propitiation - Book by Dr. Dixie Yoder
When I Kill Time - Book by Dr. Dixie Yoder
Church Snatchers - Book by Dr. Dixie Yoder
Ask Dr. Dixie - Book By Dr. Dixie Yoder
No Longer a Child - Book by Dr. Dixie Yoder
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Infinite Grace Ministries


Phone: 580.774.2884




Weatherford Location: 1414 Cypress Drive


OKC Location: 6656 N.W. 39th Expressway, Suite 202

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